Understanding the Need for a Microsoft Tenancy Before License Activation

Do you already have a Microsoft Tenancy with CloudWorks 360?

If yes, there is no need for you to keep ready (unless you want to!).  You can order new Microsoft Services by clicking on the 'Microsoft' links in your navigation in the CW360 Portal - or click here to go straight to the cart!


Why Do You Need a Microsoft Tenancy?

Before we can activate your Microsoft licenses, such as Microsoft 365 or other related services, it's essential to have a Microsoft Tenancy in place. A Microsoft Tenancy serves as the foundational structure for managing your organization’s users, licenses, and services within the Microsoft ecosystem. Without a Tenancy, it’s impossible to assign or manage any licenses, including those for Microsoft 365, Azure, or other Microsoft products.


How CloudWorks 360 Assists You

At CloudWorks 360, we streamline this process by creating the Microsoft Tenancy on your behalf. As part of this setup, we also apply the 'Free' Microsoft Azure Plan to your service. This Azure Plan is a pay-per-use system, meaning it only incurs charges if you actively use Azure services. By setting up this plan, we can efficiently create your Tenancy and administration portal, providing you with access to manage your services.


Manual Provisioning Process

Creating a Microsoft Tenancy and linking it to your CloudWorks 360 account requires manual intervention from our team. We are committed to provisioning your Tenancy as quickly as possible and will typically complete this process within 2 business days.


What Happens Next?

To apply for a Microsoft Tenancy, or to move your tenancy over to CloudWorks 360, please click here and complete the form.


If you have any questions or need further assistance during this process, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

  • Microsoft, 365, Azure, Outlook, Exchange
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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